Computer Basics

1. Defining a Computer
a. Computer is a machine that
i. Takes in information
ii. Processes (calculates) the information
iii. Produces solutions (results)
iv. Outputs the resulting data
v. Stores the data for future use
2. What does a computer consist of?

a. Hardware and Software:
i. Examples of Hardware
1. System Unit
2. Monitor
3. Keyboard, Mouse
4. Printer
5. Scanner, digital camera, PC Camera
6. Speakers
ii. What are input devices?

1. Hardware used to input data (Get the information to the computer)
a. Examples of input devices
i. Keyboard, mouse
ii. Scanner, digital camera, PC Camera
iii. What are output devices?

1. Hardware used to convey the results to the user (Converts the information so that the user can understand it)
a. Examples of output devices
i. Monitor
ii. Printer, Speakers
b. Examples of Software:
i. Windows Operating System
ii. Microsoft Office (Word, excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Front page)
3. Parts of the System Unit (also called a chassis)

a. Motherboard also called system board
b. CPU (Central Processing Unit) - Carries out instructions that tell computer what to do
c. RAM (Random Access Memory) – Temporary Storage
d. Hard Drive – Storage for saved Data
e. Various cards (Audio, Video, Network, Modem) these are inserted into the motherboard
f. CD, CD-RW, DVD, Floppy drive
4. What is a computer program

a. A set of instructions that tells the computer what to do (how to perform a task)
5. What is an Operating System?

a. Programs that control the operations of the computer and its devices